Sunday, March 27, 2011

Creation of new gardening bench

3/26/11.  My husband made me a new gardening bench/table today.  I decided on Cedar for the wood and the total cost with decking screws was about 230.00.  It is 16' long 25" high and 24" deep.  I absolutely love it, and it fits perfectly behind the garage with 3' left over on each side.  Now the sprinkler system down below the stand can hit not only the garden but the base of the garage slab as well.

Here is a picture of the beginning of construction of this enormous task.

And here is the finished product.
I think it looks wonderful and it has added a great deal of space for me to add additional plants.  I just received my Olive tree so I will need to go shopping for containers today.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

March 20, 2011

Yippie, it is the first day of Spring and I could not be happier.
I have decided to revamp my garden, after much begging my husband decided to let me have the entire 250 square feet behind the garage.  Before I go any further with this blog I have to say this, I Love My Husband, kisses Crispy!!
Ok, back to the blog.  Oh, joy!!  I have decided to go hog wild on my little hidden space.  Here are some before and after, I am not done yet.  :)  This my friends, is just the beginning!!

This is a shot of "Before"

And this is a shot of "After"

Here is another "After shot"

Here is another


I added an arbor and quite a few flowering plants.  The jasmine smells soooo good combined with the Grapefruit tree.  The entire back corner smells lovely.  I threw down some Cedar mulch (9 bags) and added some potato bags.  I used burlap for two of the potato bags as you can see above.  Here is a picture of the other potato bags that I am using.

I love the fact that I can undo the flap at the bottom and just reach right in to grab the taters.  Very convenient.

This is what I have in my raised beds:
Green Beans
Sweet Peas
Brussel Sprouts
Roma Tomatoes
Green Peppers (to be shipped from Gurney's within the next two weeks)

This is what I have in containers:
Roma Tomatoes
Grapefruit Tree
Lime Tree
Blueberry Bush
Mediterranean Olive Tree (In transit from Gurney's-Supposed to be here Thursday)

I have wildflowers, peonys, hostas, and quite honestly I can't remember what else coming soon.

Let's face it folks I will plant just about anything!

Monday, March 21, 2011

My first blog, how exciting!

I have been trying to find a organized way to track my garden's progress. I have documented in a handwritten journal and a online journal; however, I find that it is difficult to pinpoint specific events that occured during my gardening exploits. My hopes ae that I can post pictures and track growth, pests etcetera in s more organized fashion.